1. One case concerns an eleven-year-old schoolgirl, Vera Petrova,

2. Or I can deny her the medicine, in which case she'll probably die in three or four days.

3. One of the country's largest credit bureaus paid out a huge amount of money a few years ago after settling a court case filed by 19 states claiming the company's reports were full of errors.

4. I have a case of depression

5. In the pioneering day, however, this was not the case at all.
    然而在登山运动的初期, 情况就迥然不同.

6. It´s a small blue case and it is got a zip.
    那是一只蓝色的小箱子, 有个拉链.

7. In the pioneering days, however, this was not the case at all.

8. In this case, you´d probably construct a portfolio with some shares(but not high risk ones),

9. I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again.

10. It´s a small blue case and it´s got a zip.