1. The tops of trees form a kind of roof, under which there is little light, as the sun cannot get in, and it is very quiet because the trees keep out the wind.

2. There he was sure of a little food and a bed, safe from the winter wind and the cold.

3. The streets were filled with the dead and barely living. She kept on running, knowing only that she had to be home.

4. Then I got my first call from Teneecia — suicidal(有自杀倾向的) with a recently dead boyfriend.

5. Not one person telephoned the police during the attack; one person called after the woman was dead.

6. He was engulfed by a cold wind.

7. His grandmother fell in a dead faint.

8. Her aunt is her sole relative-all the rest of the family are dead.

9. He helped with cutting up and studying dead animals, and soon found that this was what he liked doing and was good at.

10. And slipping through a medium that seems to help its passage even when the wind is adverse.