1. I know a good Italian restaurant near Tien Mou Park. Would you like to eat there?
    我听说天母公园近旁有一家意大利餐馆, 你想在那里吃吗?

2. I eat only kosher food prepared by my maid. For health´s sake,I suggest you never eat in the night market.
    我只是吃女佣烹调和干净的食物, 为了健康的缘故,我建议你永远不要在夜市吃.

3. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.

4. It was good to be the richest man in the world, but he was hungry, and he could not eat or drink gold.

5. It seemed impossible for people of the city to do their daily jobs, to work and eat and sleep and carry on the business of life, with the crash of bombs all around them and planes spitting fire in the skies above.

6. It isn't healthy to eat standing up."

7. For health´s sake,I suggest you never eat in the night market.