1. A number of domestic animals have some utility for man while they are alive.

2. At the same time, a number of teenagers climbed on to the dish and held a little party of their own.

3. A: Yes, it was historic not only because it involved an enormous number of workers, but because it was led by the newlyfounded Communist Party.

4. As the Mormon church grew, many of the men followed Smith's teaching and married a number of wives.

5. As a result, the average number of births has been cut from 5.6 children per woman to 3.

6. As the number of AIDS cases around the world rapidly increases, nations are showing great focus in battling this common enemy — attacking rich and poor countries the same.

7. As the number of women going to school increases, the growth rate declines.

8. "The animals that learned to go through the obstacle course exhibited a greater number of brain connections than the animals in the exercised or inactive groups," Greenough said.
    "与跑动的和不运动的老鼠相比,经过越障训练的老鼠脑神经联结数更多。" 格里诺说,

9. As the number of people on Earth increases, it becomes increasingly difficult for the population to survive on the resources of the land.

10. At 125th Street, Mr. Torres would transfer to the Number 4 train by crossing the platform.