1. In this stage, you start feeling more positive, and you try to develop comprehension of everything you don’t understand. 在这个阶段里,你会开始变得积极起来,而且你会努力去理解所有你不理解的东西。
2. I knew what she meant and shared her feeling. 我知道她的意思,我也理解她的感情。
3. I remember feeling annoyed at this dense collection of humanity. 我仍记得那天挤在密集的人群中,心里很恼火。
4. It's about noticing what you are feeling and thinking and escaping the conditioned confines of your past. 这是指注意自己感受到什么,在想什么,摆脱掉往日带给自己的种种限制。
5. For what, I sometimes wonder; so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength, and then die of self-poisoning, as her grandfather did? 有时我纳闷:自己这样做到底是为了什么? 难道是为了她今后大半辈子有气无力地挣扎着呼吸,然后再像她外公那样自己把自己毒死?