1. This may be because we've brought suitcases full of dried cake, canned sardines, and sausages, which would keep during the long journey. 这也许是因为我们带着装满干硬糕点、罐头沙丁鱼和香肠的手提箱的缘故。这些食物在漫长旅途中不会变质。
2. The boat had a full cargo of timber, but there was no sign of human life. 船上载满了木材,但没有人类生命的迹象。
3. The indoors was full of loved ones keeping the kettle warm till they came home. 而家里则自有亲人们备好了热茶,等着他们回家。
4. On each handlebar the man had hung a bucket full of sand. 车把两边各挂着满满一桶沙。
5. He recovered full composure. 他完全恢复了镇静。
6. He was still full of optimism for the future despite his many problems. 他尽管有许多问题, 但对未来仍十分乐观.
7. He had the full realization that he was guilty. 他充分认识到他是有罪的.
8. His speech was full of whimsy. 他妙语如珠.
9. Here is the basket. Fill it quite full." 给你篮子,把它装得满满的。”
10. He fell into a deep hole full of water and was drowned. 掉进一个深水坑里淹死了。