1. To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. 就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。
2. The Marine placed the lifeless hand he had been holding on the bed, and went to inform the nurse. 海军陆战队队员把那只他一直握着的、现在已失去生命的手放回床上,然后去通知护士。
3. These books use simple, hand-drawn pictures of "sad faces" and "happy faces" to illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS. 这些书籍采用简单的、手工绘制的“忧伤的脸”和“幸福的脸”等图画,说明防止感染艾滋病的方法。
4. They understood instinctively that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. 他们生来就认为,所谓正直,就是有自己的道德界定标准,既不贪财图利,也不因所处的环境而妥协。
5. Today, men still have the upper hand. 今天,男性仍占有优势。
6. The cards with names and other data were folded on the upper right-hand corner so he can photograph them right-side-up. 这些带有名字和数据的胶片,都在右上角折了一下,这样他能正面朝上冲洗它们。
7. Now move the hand to and fro and around but not up and down. 然后把手前后左右以及旋转摆动,但不要上下摆动。
8. Nights are long in hospitals, but all through the night the young Marine sat there in the dimly-lit ward, holding the old man's hand and offering words of hope and strength. 医院里长夜漫漫,但是年轻的海军陆战队队员整夜都坐在灯光昏暗的病房里,握着老人的手,说着充满希望与力量的话。
9. No one should die alone, and I am glad I was there for her. 不应当有人孤独离去的,我很高兴能守候在她身边。