1. They can survive in this region of little water, little shade, and high day-time temperature.

2. The annual flooding is caused by the melting snows on the high Ethiopian plateau, from where the Nile originates.

3. Thirty yards of board fence, nine feet high.

4. They are wearing high heels this year.

5. There is a story that holds that high heels were first brought to America by a famous New Orleans madam who discovered that she could charge twice as much when a woman wore high heels.

6. That's what makes women walk differently and look differently in high heels.

7. To pay for costs, cars will be billed for using high-speed toll roads.

8. The "1998 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth" found that 7 out of every 10 high school kids have cheated on a test at least once. Including all grades, the number is more than 6 out of 10.

9. The world is on "the eve of a new era", says the former United States Vice President Al Gore, the Clinton administration's leading high-technology advocate.

10. The American high priest of solitude was Thoreau.