2. MISS DIETRICH: I hope she´ll always feel like a daughter of American, and not like a stepchild. 迪特里希小姐 我希望她始终感觉自己是美国的亲生女儿,而不是养女。
3. MISS OGDEN: I hope so too! 奥格登小姐 我也希望如此!
4. Meanwhile, man continues in his search for new drugs, always with the hope of some day discovering more powerful — and safer — healing agents. 与此同时,人类仍在寻求新的药物,总希望有朝一日能发现更有效、更安全的制剂。
5. My parents' faces fill with a kind of simple hope. 我父母脸上洋溢着一种纯真而质朴的希望。
6. “I hope someday I can go to Beijing.” “我希望我有一天能到北京去。”
7. He must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded. 他必须抱有有朝一日能如愿以偿的希望。
8. "Of course," said the umbrella-man ― "that is ― well, you know how these mistakes occur ― I ― if it´s your umbrella I hope you´ll excuse me ― I picked it up this morning in a restaurant — If you recognize it as yours, why ― I hope you&acu “当然,”伞主人说道,“是这么回事,你知道有时候会发生这种误会……我……这要是你的伞,希望你能原谅我……今天早上我在一家餐馆里捡到的……要是你认出来这把伞是你的……呃……我希望你……”
9. "Well, I hope the clock won´t stop in the night," Easton said as he undressed. “好吧,但愿半夜里钟可别停了,”伊斯顿边脱衣服边说。
10. Like a scientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded. 就象一个决心要有所发现的科学家一样,他必须抱有有朝一日能如愿以偿的希望。