1. I feel ill.

2. I am sorry to hear that you re ill.

3. I suspect that she is ill , but I´m not sure.

4. It was necessary to recognize that these institutions which are based on the same premises, let us say the supernatural, must be considered together, our own among the rest.

5. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.

6. I felt so pleased with the idea that I never once considered how I should get it off the land after it was completed.

7. In that post-independence era, when everything foreign was considered contaminated by colonialism, we talked of cottage industries and economic imperialism.
    在独立后的时代里, 当每一样舶来货都被认为含有殖民主义的毒素的时候,我们谈论的是家庭小工业和经济帝国主义。

8. If there's one place from which the interference of lawyers and government officials should be barred, it's from the rooms of critically ill patients.

9. In Thailand, back-seat passengers are advised not to rest their feet on the seat in front of them, which drivers consider rude as feet are considered the lowest, dirtiest part of the body.