1. Tomorrow my mother will fly back to be with my grandmother.

2. They can bring egg and sperm together artificially and dispose of any affected baby before placing it in the mother, or before birth — though that might be objectionable, too.

3. No,my mother does my underwear. I take my pants and shirts to the cleaners.

4. NANCY: I´m sure this will be great news to my mother
    南茜 我相信,对我妈妈来说,这是一个重大的消息

5. NANCY: May I ask Mother to come with me?
    南茜 我可以请我妈妈一同来吗?

6. NANCY: Oh, Mother, let´s go away!
    南茜 啊,妈妈,我们走吧!

7. Next, x-rays show your mother has a lung infection — a frequent problem with stroke patients.

8. Her mother is young.

9. His mother is a housewife.

10. His mother inveigled him home on some excuse.