1. Outside, the rain hadn´t stopped and it was very cold and dark.

2. The other my future, an empty gray page, a cloudy sea image on which rain was falling and no boats were in sight.
    河岸另一边是我的未来,那是一片空虚灰暗,飞云蒙蒙的海上景象, 细雨淅沥, 极目不见船只。

3. It´s damp and cold. I think it´s going to rain.
    天气又湿又冷. 我看要下雨。

4. It´s odd that he has gone out in the rain without an umbralla.

5. Its wool, which had been dyed black, had been washed clean by the rain!

6. It is also a land of vast tropical rain forests.

7. It falls as rain.

8. It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest, and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects.