1. As the man tried to swing the speedboat round, the steering wheel came away in his hands.

2. As the earth travels round, first one pole and then the other is tilted towards the sun.

3. And days do not fit evenly into years, since the actual journey of the earth round the sun takes 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 46 seconds.

4. And months do not fit evenly into years either, since the moon travels round the earth between 12 and 13 times in a year.

5. And because such all-round ability is less common, this would be the reason for there being fewer mathematically talented girls.

6. She dodged round the corner.

7. Some of them have planets like our earth travelling round them.

8. Strong hands turned him round and pushed him on to the sidewalk.

9. So last Friday evening they came round and offered old Maggie a hundred pounds if she would let the dog off.

10. Sam brought the tea round and old Maggie drank it as though she was dying of thirst.