1. As the sun went down , the whole sky became suffused with a red glow. 当太阳落山的时候,天空呈现一片红色的霞光。
2. A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day. 晚上天边红预示明朝天气好.
3. A lone cloud floated in the blue sky. 一缕孤云在蓝天中飘流。
4. A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云由一堆积聚在空中的水蒸汽形成。
5. A white dot appeared in the sky, as small and innocent-looking as a slip of paper. 天空中出现了一个白点,就像一张纸一样地小、一样地洁白无辜。
6. And then there is Tokyo Roof, where I went sky diving indoors. 还有这家我玩室内蹦极跳的"东京屋顶"。
7. She looked at the blue dome of the sky. 她望着蓝色的苍穹。
8. Some doves were flapping their wings in the sky. 有几只鸽子在空中振翅飞翔。
9. She was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans. 她穿著蓝色紧身牛仔裤.
10. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. 她穿着一件蓝色的衣服和一件貂皮大衣.