1. I found myself suspended in the middle of the air — held up by a 130-kilometer-an-hour blast of wind coming from an industrial-strength fan in the bottom of the tower. 我发现自己悬在了空中--高塔底部一架工业用强力风扇吹出时速达130公里的风柱将我拖起。
2. I struggled uselessly to respond to the instructions of my coach, who was shouting above the roar of the fan to tell me how to ride the wind funnel up and down, left and right, by bending various limbs. 教练的喊声盖过风扇的轰鸣,告诉我如何屈折各肢体来乘着风柱上下左右地飘动,我照着他说的毫无结果地折腾了一番。
3. From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands the people watched this thing of beauty begin to spread her sails and catch the wind. 人们从斯开波斯布朗和周围的岛屿前来观着这艘美丽的战船扬帆起航,乘风前进。
4. For three minutes I flapped on the whistling, pounding, deafening column of wind. 在这震耳欲聋地呼啸轰鸣的风柱上我翻腾了三分钟,感觉真像蹦极跳,只是没有下跳而已。