1. "What word?" his father asked unwisely, and Larry said, "I'll have to whisper it to you; it's so bad."

2. "a word or words expressing some quality considered characteristic or descriptive of a person or a thing, often expressing approval or disapproval."
    "表达某种特点的一个或几个字, 这种特点被认为反映了某人或某事的本质、或描述了某人某事,常表示嘉许或不喜欢的意思。"

3. "If there is one word that should be substituted for stress, it's control.

4. "Before she even said a word, I knew there was something funny about her."

5. Several years later, word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them .
    几年后, 他们听说拿破仑要亲自来视察他们.

6. So by word of mouth the story was passed down generation to generation and, in my case, repeated for many summers running.

7. So the ninth month is still called September, although the word means seventh.

8. So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears."

9. Manya rose from her seat without a word, trying not to tremble.

10. Mr. Bond thought this was going too far, and he felt obliged to put in a word for the landlords.