1. Workaholics presumably view their work habits through denial and rationalization.

2. Whether consciously or subconsciously (下意识地), much of the public driven by work ethics (伦理) feels that you've somehow "asked for it",
    不管是有意识还是无意识地,许多职业伦理观念强的公众会觉得, 你的失业是 "自找的",是暗自故意想丢掉自己的工作,以自己的态度来与失业 "玩一把"-- 很可能是你故意穿得怪模怪样以达到这一目的。

3. When other people are finished and having fun is most likely the time when online students do their course work.

4. With her work taking off in so many directions, it was perhaps inevitable that Engelbreit would eventually realize her dream of illustrating a children's book.

5. While the reasons for entering the work force may vary from country to country, women everywhere are finding that to give their children an adequate life, getting a job is no longer optional.

6. Widespread access to information technologies, for example, promises to condense the time required to change from labor- intensive assembly work to industries that involve engineering, marketing, and design.

7. What researchers have been trying to understand is how they work together; how one's ability to handle stress, for instance, affects the ability to concentrate and put intelligence to use.

8. This piece of art work has achieved the acme of perfection.

9. This whole process by which machines can be used to work for us has been called automation.

10. The chant of the crowd was "Work for all".