1. "Good morning," said Hans, smiling from ear to ear. “早上好。”汉斯说着,咧开嘴笑了。
2. "Remember that dog business?" “还记得那条狗的事吗?”
3. "It´s turned out that the dog belongs to some rich man and he is terribly scared of losing it. “原来狗主人是个有钱人,他很怕失去这条狗。
4. " ´The dog must die,´I said. “‘那条狗非叫它死不可,’我说。
5. Our dog has a bald patch on its leg. 我们的狗的腿上秃了一块.
6. Our dog always barks at strangers. 我们的狗一见生人就叫.
7. Our dog barks at strangers. 我们那只狗见了生人就汪汪叫.
8. Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and dark. 我家的狗雷克斯,过去常坐在大门外面叫。
9. Others argue that a child´s ear is especially sensitive. 另一些人认为,儿童的耳朵尤其敏感。
10. It is a male dog. 那是只公狗.