1. Her reserve had been intolerable even to those neighbours who were full of pity and kindly intentions.

2. He opened the bag, full of small pieces of gold. He left half the gold on a rock.

3. Had he been walking north, away from the camp, toward the sea? He started slowly toward the ship, knowing full well the sick wolf was following him.

4. Days do not fit evenly into months, since the time from full moon to full moon is about 29 1/2 days.

5. Do you think they´d care if the roofs were blown off as long as they get our rent?

6. After the war the streets were full of cripples.

7. At 40, he was in his prime and full of vigour.

8. Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger, the box was full of crockery, much of it broken.

9. At such times he was a most delightful companion, full of wit and humour, with a laugh that came straight from the heart.

10. And then he also made the mistake of drinking not one but two frosted glasses full, while everybody else had a half-inch "just for taste."
    接着他又犯了个错误:他喝了不是一杯,而是满满两大毛玻璃杯的葡萄酒,而其他人的杯子里都只有半英寸高的酒, "只是尝尝而已。"