1. My parents made a formal visit to my future husband's house to see whether Ram's family would treat me well.

2. Gail and I had no illusions about what the future held for us as a married, mixed couple in America.

3. Churchill was the most eloquent, saying, "In our hands we have the future of mankind."

4. Clearly, some locations on Earth already have too many people; in many of these areas, future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering.

5. One kilogram of beef requires 7 kilograms of grain. People, therefore, may eat less red meat in the future and more fish.

6. The young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him:

7. The other my future, an empty gray page, a cloudy sea image on which rain was falling and no boats were in sight.
    河岸另一边是我的未来,那是一片空虚灰暗,飞云蒙蒙的海上景象, 细雨淅沥, 极目不见船只。

8. Leslie Barson is already running the type of school that researchers think will teach children in the future.

9. 1. Your Future
    1. 你的未来

10. I want to be a geographer in the future.