1. This little ´o´ indicated that the train only stopped for mail.

2. I´ll order a bowl of beef noodles for myself.

3. In order to meet the needs of agriculture we must produce more tractors.

4. I can send him a note via the internal mail system.

5. I have been trying to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books.

6. It has been in trouble for biting people before now, and they are sure that the court will order it to be destroyed.

7. In time, men saw that there were seasons which followed one another in regular order.

8. In order for it to be of value to most people, individuals need to become informed about what is possible and how being connected will be of benefit.

9. In this category, we may also include large payments made to ruling families or their close advisers in order to secure arms sales or major petroleum or construction contracts.