1. "If we can make someone's day brighter for $35 instead of $65, then they'll have enough money left over for candy and dinner," says the general manager of Roses Only's New York stores.

2. Another newspaper reported a major security failure last year.

3. A summary of the major findings:

4. As I struggled to get comfortable, my pilot, Major Patrick Hamilton, came aboard and started programming the jet's computers.

5. "The controls are so sensitive," Major Hamilton says, "they're almost an extension of the pilot's body."
    "这些控制装置非常灵敏," 汉密尔顿少校说,"它们几乎就是驾驶员身体的延伸。"

6. "It helps," said Major Hamilton.

7. Although the major joked about how simple it was to fly the F-16, the truth is that a pilot must be an expert to control the craft.

8. As Major Hamilton landed our plane gracefully, I was thankful that he, not a monkey, had been my pilot.

9. A general knowledge of a city's taxi-taking customs can also make you more comfortable during your travels.

10. And to ensure the populations were "pure", the study was confined to groups that were in their present locations as of 1492, before the first major movements from Europe began — in effect, a genetic photo of the world when Columbus sailed f