1. But we are the ones who signal to businesses that what they are doing is okay — every time we buy their products.

2. Britain won't improve its system until after the year 2000, spurring Mitterrand to joke that passengers will have " plenty of time for sightseeing ".
    不到2000年,英国不会改善它的铁路系统,这使密特朗不由地开起了玩笑,说乘客会有 "足够的时间一饱眼福"。

3. Before we go any further, it might make sense to require a temporary pause on research into human cloning in order to make a systematic enquiry into the grave questions it raises.

4. But make no mistake about it, what most of them are about is money — and how financial assets will be divided up if a couple divorces.

5. Before I knew it, though, I slipped into the nanny position almost full time.

6. But dependent children can't just be left behind when it's time to move on to a new relationship:

7. By taking people as they are, we make them worse, but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be, we help make them better.

8. But I would love to be able to pay for some of my living and not have to go through an embarrassing situation every time I need a spare part for my wheelchair.

9. Before he got the job, Mr. Torres was determined to escape the workshop run by the Lighthouse (灯塔), an organization dedicated to help people who can't see, and to try to make it on his own.

10. But while the Internet primarily moves words, the information superhighway will soon make routine the electronic transmission of data in other formats, such as audio files and images.