1. But the wrong Marine had become the right son at the right time. 但是,这个假儿子在老人真正需要儿子的时刻却成了真正的儿子。
2. By that I mean that the Japanese take great pride in doing a job well and getting it done no matter how much time is required. 我这么说的意思是,日本人对于能把一项工作做好,对于能完成这项工作,无论耗时多少,都会感到无比自豪。
3. But when I heard that she was dying, I realized I wanted to go to see her one more time. 在听到她不久人世的时候,我意识到自己想再去看看她。
4. But we are the ones who signal to businesses that what they are doing is okay — every time we buy their products. 每当我们购买他们的产品时,我们就在向企业发出信号,告诉他们可以这样做。
5. Britain won't improve its system until after the year 2000, spurring Mitterrand to joke that passengers will have " plenty of time for sightseeing ". 不到2000年,英国不会改善它的铁路系统,这使密特朗不由地开起了玩笑,说乘客会有 "足够的时间一饱眼福"。
6. Before I knew it, though, I slipped into the nanny position almost full time. 然而不知不觉中,我几乎当起了全职保姆。
7. But dependent children can't just be left behind when it's time to move on to a new relationship: 但在建立新关系的同时不能不考虑尚未独立的孩子。
8. But I would love to be able to pay for some of my living and not have to go through an embarrassing situation every time I need a spare part for my wheelchair. 但我很想自己负担部分生活费用,不必在每次需要为轮椅买点配件时都去尴尬地求人。
9. Because it was embarrassing to fail every time, he stopped checking the man when he crossed. 一次次检查都找不出什么,这挺令人尴尬的,他也就不再在那司机过境时检查了。
10. But there is a problem for people with free time in a tightly packed country where land is dear: 但是在一个人口拥挤,土地昂贵的国家,有了闲暇的人们却遇到了这样一个问题: