1. At sevenpence an hour that came to one pound four and ninepence halfpenny.

2. After a one-hour flight the next morning, we spent the day visiting attractions along with hundreds of other tourists,

3. Anyone tiring of American or fake European culture can reach the Louvre art museum by express railway in less than an hour — from Minnie Mouse to Mona Lisa in a flash.

4. You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.

5. You say you´ve got to get there at seven but it´s only a quarter to four now.

6. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour.

7. Standing in high heels inevitably hurts after an hour on foot. This results in aches and pains.

8. Since we can't create a 26-hour day we have to decide what things we're going to do."

9. 8 a.m. the day of the move, the moving company calls to say they'll be an hour late.

10. So, on his tenth birthday, Johnny goes to the brain-control center. He sits for an hour or so under a machine that looks something like a hair-dryer, with him attached to it.