1. As the grocery items moves along the conveyor belt, the checker passes each item over a glass plate in the counter top, making sure that the UPC symbols can be read by the laser beam under the glass. 食品杂货经传送带传到收款员跟前,收款员随即将每一物品搁在柜台上的一块玻璃板上一扫,好使板下的扫描机阅读条形码。
2. A. That´s true. As you read, you feel everything with the author — or rather with her characters. A. 是的。当你读这本书的时候,就像和作者,或者不如说和书中人物一同经历了那些事情。
3. "There I was, trying to get a little active boy named Julian to sit quietly and read a book — and pushing a thoughtful creature named Rory to play ball. "在托儿所里,有一次我想叫一个名字为朱利安的、活跃的小男孩静静地坐下来看书, 同时把一个喜欢沉思的、名叫罗里的孩子推出去打球。
4. Albert did not fit the description of any secret agent Charles had ever read about. 艾伯特一点也不像查尔斯读过的书里描写的特工。
5. "I read tarot cards(塔罗特纸牌). I'm mixing the cards now; tell me when it feels right to stop." "我是解读塔罗特牌的,现在正在洗牌,您觉得可以了就叫我停下。"
6. As usual, I made noises with the cards without bothering to mix them, much less read them. 与往常一样,我做出洗牌的声音,却根本没有费心去洗,更别谈读牌了。
7. "An agreement is stuck under somebody's nose on the day of the wedding — and it's usually a 'she' — and she signs, but doesn't even read it." "婚礼那天,某人——通常是'她'——面前突然出现了一份协议,于是,她看都没看一眼就签了字。"
8. You should read some wholesome books. 你应当读些有益的书。
9. Year after year he read Aeschylus in Greek. 年复一年,他用希腊文来阅读埃斯库罗斯的作品。
10. You've read his favorite book to him a thousand times.” 你一次又一次地给他读他最喜欢的书。"