1. Apparently the main point of his nobility was that he had neither wife nor servants, used his own axe to chop his own wood, and washed his own cups and saucers.

2. "Hide it? That's just the point, I didn't hide anything at all."

3. Precisely at noon an infinitely powerful computer takes all the data and calculates what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 12.02, then 12.03...

4. “Thank you,” I said, my face turning red. I wondered what I had thanked them for, as I made my way to a seat.

5. "Marquis," said the boy, turning to the man, his eyes opened wide, and his right hand raised, "
    男孩转向那个人, 眼睛瞪得大大地, 举起他的右手, 说道: "侯爵,

6. "People would jump on you, and others would drive by in the car and point at the house.

7. "And here´s the point.

8. Unfortunately, this is a point often overlooked by teachers of language, who demand faultless accuracy from the beginning.

9. Usually at this point in your adjustment to a new culture, you devise some defense mechanisms to help you cope and to protect yourself against the effects of culture shock.

10. Not so much because of different people even, but because of the different thoughts that exist in the minds of their inhabitants. This is the point I wish to emphasize.