1. Today these observations can seem quite commonplace, yet looking back one must view them as a solid landmark in malaria research. 现在这些观察看上去好象很平常,然而回首往事时,人们定会把它们视为疟疾研究上一个坚固的里程碑。
2. The play´s on tour now but I simply must see it when it gets back. 这场戏现在正在巡回演出,等它再回来时,我一定要看。
3. The thinner and higher the heel, the greater the risk of foot and back problems. 鞋跟越细、越高,引起足、背疾病的风险就越大。
4. There was a courtyard in front of the place and two gardens in back, one to provide vegetables, one to delight the eye in the formal Japanese layout. 屋前有个院子,屋后有两个园子——一个用来种菜,另一个设计得合乎日本传统,供观赏用。
5. This was real, he thought. He turned back; the sea and the ship were still there. He didn’t understand. 这可不是幻觉,他想。他转过身看,大海和船还在那儿。他不明白了。
6. The wolf's blood flowed into his mouth. He held the wolf with his teeth and killed it; then he fell on his back and slept. 狼的血流进了他的嘴。他死死地咬住狼,直到把它咬死。然后他倒下,睡着了。
7. There was a moment of silence. Then the chairman threw back his head and roared with laughter. 之后有片刻的沉默。接着董事长掉过头来放声大笑。
8. The other person considers it a compliment (敬意) and will usually feel good. The result? That person will usually smile back. 对方就会把这看作一种友好的表示,并且通常会感到愉快。结果呢?那个人通常以微笑回报。
9. They walked to the back of the church and stood at the door as their guests filed past. 他们走到教堂的后面,站在门口,客人们鱼贯而入。
10. The big one's gun dug into the back of my head, the thin one's pistol into my left temple. 那个大个子劫匪用枪顶着我的后脑勺,小个子用左轮手枪顶着我左边的太阳穴。