1. Once you turn over a new leaf, you can't expect to change completely right away.

2. One health official recommends that when you sign a medical form you change it to make it clear "that you do not consent to having information re-released or sold to a second party without your direct, written consent".

3. Looking back on it, I find they were right, but this rising tide of change is itself the problem.

4. If we were able to discover lowly forms of life like bacteria on another planet, it would completely change our view of ourselves.

5. I can´t change a ten-pound note.

6. I´ve got no small change, I´m afraid.

7. I´ve got some small change.

8. I want my change.

9. I hope the Committee won´t change its mind.

10. It was just like Caesar to change the name of one month to honour himself.