1. Most surgeon would have cut his leg off, but Hunter saw how he could remove the tumour and treat the leg so that within 6 weeks the man was quite well again.

2. Much of the country has already been clear-cut, and soil erosion has been extensive.

3. You can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky.

4. Generally, such parents created a pleasant home governed by clear rules.

5. Cut the crusts off when you make sandwiches.

6. But fearing that she would never see Rastus again----the letter had made that quite clear----she changed her mind.

7. Cutting up dead animals to find out how they are made was thought a disgusting thing to do, and to cut up a dead human body was thought wicked.

8. (A companion study showed girls' popularity with their peers was also related to the popularity of their names — although the connection was less clear for boys.)

9. On a clear day you can see France from England.

10. One clear finding from their studies is that people need green spaces for better mental health.