1. Don´t use that old cart; it´s rickety.

2. Don´t stop every time you come to a word or phrase you don´t know. Read the whole chapter quickly.

3. Don´t interfere in what doesn´t concern you.

4. Don´t confuse the concepts of the two words.

5. Don´t ever say that again. My uncle is very conscious.

6. Don´t talk to him: he´s so crass.
    别跟他费口舌了, 他太笨了.

7. Don´t crush the box; it has flowers in it.
    别把盒子压破了, 里面有花.

8. Don´t deface library books.

9. Don´t digress (from the subject) when lecturing.

10. Don´t discourage her; she´s doing her best.
    别泄她的气, 她正尽力做呢.