1. "I have to run or I'll be late for my first appointment ." She kissed her husband quickly, picked up her briefcase , and started for the door.
    "我得跑着去,不然头次预约就要迟到了。" 她匆匆吻了一下丈夫,拿起公文包,朝门口走去。

2. At the second door, he saw her lying on the floor at the foot of the stairs.

3. "Don't stand too close to a taxi door or you'll get hit," warns one Japanese man.

4. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.
    昨天有个乞丐敲我家的门. 他向我要了一顿饭和一杯啤酒.

5. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.

6. You can get onto it from the empty room next door, and somebody did, last month.”

7. She sprang to the door with alacrity.

8. Somebody was beating at the door.

9. She came into the room and shut the door.
    她进到屋子里来, 然后关上了门.

10. She faltered toward the door in the dark.