1. "Just beyond her a yellow-haired Scandinavian boy of about five is leaning forward, his face just below hers.

2. As he felt the smooth, curving sharpness of the metal tips, the girl stood quite still, gazing up into his face with an expression of wonder.

3. A month ago, she told me, she had suddenly noticed wrinkles all over her face.

4. She tried to dissemble her anger with a smile on her face.

5. She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face.

6. Suddenly, I saw the Officer´s face light up.

7. She then began to make up her face.

8. Smiling does not mean you have to put on a false face or pretend you are happy all of the time.

9. Some day, we will have to face this river and seek the depths of its discontent.

10. Saving the environment is really about saving our environment — making it safe for ourselves, our children and the world as we know it.