1. I must water the garden first.

2. Is Tim in the garden, too?

3. In all the village there was no garden so lovely as his.

4. Indeed, the rich Miller was so devoted to little Hans that when he passed his garden he always picked a large bouquet of flowers, or if it was the fruit season, he would fill his pockets with plums and cherries.
    的确,这位富有的磨坊主对小汉斯非常忠实,他每次路过汉斯的园 子时,总要摘走一大束鲜花;在水果成熟的季节,他总要在衣袋里 装满李子和樱桃。

5. In other areas, planners have made places for bicycle trails and playgrounds, for public gardens and private garden plots, and paths for walking and running excursions.

6. For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him.