1. My books that a short time ago had seemed so tiresome, so heavy to carry, now seemed to me like old friends. 就在刚才还觉得那么讨厌、那么沉重难带的课本,此时对于我却像老朋友一般亲切!
2. But one day, after a heavy shower, 后来有一天,一场大雨后,
3. Central Africa, the most tropical portion of this tropical continent, is a land of heavy rainfall and high plateaus. 中部非洲是这块热带大陆上最热的地区,雨量充沛,地势很高,
4. Only an exceptionally heavy snow fall might temporarily dislocate railway services. 只有非同寻常的大雪才能临时打乱铁路业务。
5. Only an exceptionally heavy snow fall might temporarily dislocate railway services. 只有非同寻常的大雪才能临时打乱铁路业务。
6. One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower. 一天,他遇上一场瓢泼大雨,淋得透湿。
7. Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway services. 只有非同寻常的大雪才可能暂时打乱铁路运行。
8. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. 一个窃贼被一尊很重的雕像击中,但由于他忙着抢钻石首饰,竟连疼痛都顾不上了。
9. Occasionally the master beat the table with the heavy ruler as he cried, "Silence, please, silence!" 有时,老师还用大戒尺拍打讲桌,喊道:“安静点,请安静点!”
10. Light shoes will not protect your feet as well as heavy shoes will. 轻便的鞋子不能像厚重的鞋子那样保护好你的双脚。