1. Open-heart surgery at the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont (佛蒙特州) used to cost patients an average of $26,300. Today it's $3,000 less. 在位于佛蒙特州的医疗中心医院,过去开胸手术的平均费用是26,300美元,如今减少了3,000美元。
2. One HMO was threatening to move its heart-surgery patients from Medical Center Hospital to a different hospital, if the Medical Center Hospital didn't get its costs down. 一家保健组织甚至威胁说,如果医疗中心医院再不降低成本,它就要将其心脏手术病人转出该医院。
3. Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some presents to a children´s hospital. 去年圣诞节,马戏团老板吉米.盖茨决定送些礼物给儿童医院。
4. I went to the hospital yesterday. 昨天他去了医院.
5. In 1763 he came home and set up as a surgeon, and 5 years later he became chief surgeon at St. George´s Hospital and surgeon to the king, George Ⅲ. 1763年回国,建立了外科诊室。5年之后,他成为圣·乔治医院的主治外科医生,并兼任国王乔治三世的私人外科医生。
6. It was dusk when the young Marine walked into the entrance lobby of Kings County Hospital. 当年轻的海军战士走进金斯县医院的入口大厅时,天已黄昏。