1. While this eliminates risk and helps to insure that the man and woman will be similar in background and outlook, the theory is that the personalities of the couple provide enough differences to make the relationship interesting.

2. We enter chatting about any little things that we have in common and the white man would sit calmly in his seat, listening to me with interest.
    我们闲谈一些平常的琐事, 白人会安静地坐着,兴味盎然地听着。

3. What is the most valuable contribution employees make to their companies, knowledge or judgment?

4. The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme.

5. They make an annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

6. The monks were arraigned for teaching grammer rahter than things spiritual.

7. The smallest living things that can be seen under a microscope are bacteria.

8. The benign old lady sent us a kind and warm smile.

9. The boy was cutting a branch of a tree with his knife to make a cane.
    这个小男孩正在用一把小刀削一根树枝, 想做根手杖.

10. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things.
    他们不是急切地向上爬的人, 他们不热衷于物质享受.