1. The personal computer revolution and the invention of the Internet made the demand for skilled labor mushroom to such tremendous proportions that even if every American child were to study nothing but science from now on, we would be unable to keep p

2. The air exploded in blinding lightning and colour, the rays shooting outward as in a child's drawing of the sun, and Kaz was flung to the ground so violently that her two front teeth broke off; she had sunk into unconsciousness.

3. Twins separated at birth do sometimes share personality characteristics, but such characteristics in a cloned son or daughter would only be reminders of the child who was lost.

4. There's the fear, for instance, that parents might clone a child for the sake of having "surplus parts" in case the original child needs an organ transplant.

5. That such couples have other options (artificially bringing egg and sperm together, or adopting a child) is not an argument for denying them the right to clone.

6. They can reproduce naturally and resign themselves to the risk of passing on the disease to the child.
    他们可以自然生育,但却要 冒着把疾病遗传给孩子的风险;

7. This is one case where even people bothered by creating a child under the lens of a microscope might see cloning as not the worst option.

8. The report was released Tuesday by the Population Council, an international organization based in New York that studies issues related to child bearing.

9. To a French child Mickey is French. To an Italian kid he is Italian.

10. Nothing could appease the crying child.