1. Marshal Goering boasted, "This is the historic hour when our air force for the first time delivered its bombs right into the enemy's heart."

2. Mr. Torres was beginning the complicated two-hour trip to his job developing film in the X-ray department of the emergency room of the Bronx Municipal (市立的) Hospital Center.

3. “We have a wait of half an hour, I think.”

4. Caesar then decreed that the year should consist of 365 days, but every fourth year an extra day should be inserted at the end of February to make up for the quarter days that were lost.

5. "Well," said the constable, "It´s very strange that you should be wandering about at this hour — and outside this shop.

6. Upon leaving Paris, trains will whistle along at an approximate speed of 186 miles per hour until they go underground, but will creep along as slow as 50 miles per hour behind local trains the last 68 miles to London.

7. Radar sirens wailed, ambulances rushed from one place of agony to another, and fire fighters faced the flames hour after hour.
    雷达警报器在尖叫, 救护车从一个充满痛苦的地方向另一个充满痛苦的地方飞速行驶, 而消防队员则每时每刻面对的是熊熊火焰。

8. One hour and seventeen minutes passed and we had not even covered half the distance.

9. Only the wolf stayed with him hour after hour. At last he could go no further.

10. On a visit to Santa Fe in 1943, she asked why she couldn't see the picture he had just taken. During the next hour, as Land walked around Santa Fe, all he had learned about chemistry came together: