1. I had originally planned to stay at this employment for only two days but now I'm going to continue. 这活儿我原先只打算干两天,可现在我要干下去。
2. I prefer to stay put. Sometimes, like weekends, it takes huge control just to get out of a chair. 可我这人喜欢待在一个地方不动。有时侯,比如说在周末,要我离开椅子可得费好大的劲。
3. Insurance companies and HMOs increasingly are paying hospitals a set amount for each patient, regardless of how long they stay. 越来越多的保险公司和保健组织,不论病人住院多久,只为每位病人向医院支付一笔固定金额的费用。
4. It does involve a willingness to stay with each other in times of pain, struggle, and despair, as well as in times of calm and enjoyment. 这种承诺意味着不论在恬适欢乐时,还是在艰难困苦、失意绝望时,都愿意厮守相伴。
5. I can stay during rough times, however, because I can remember what we had together in the past, and I can picture what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face our problems and work them through. 但是,在困难时期我能坚守,因为我仍记得我们共同渡过的往昔,我也能想像如果我们愿意直面问题、渡过难关,我们将共同拥有什么样的未来。
6. It's important to stay rational. 重要的是保持理性。
7. In this way, he said, people who might otherwise have contemplated a vacation in the United States will be happy to stay on this side of the Atlantic. 他说,这样,那些本已考虑去美国度假的人就会高兴地留在大西洋的此岸了。