1. He´s always flaunting his wealth. 他总是摆阔.
2. He´s religious but he doesn´t try to foist his beliefs on everyone. 他是教徒, 但他不想把自己的信仰强加於人.
3. He couldn´t foresee his journey would be delayed by bad weather. 他无法预料到他的旅行会因天气不好而推迟.
4. He´ll end up on the gallows. 他总有一天要受绞刑的。
5. He didn´t answer but went on talking generalities. 他不作回答, 只是继续泛泛而谈。
6. His gibes hurt his wife´s feelings. 他的奚落伤了他妻子的感情。
7. Hitler´s heinous crimes will never be forgotten. 希特勒的滔天罪行人们永远也不会忘记。
8. Hullo, Mrs Williams. Were you at the butcher´s? 您好, 威廉斯夫人. 你刚才在肉店里吗?
9. He´s the ideal husband for her. 他是她理想的丈夫.
10. He´s not stupid, just ignorant. 他并不蠢, 只是无知罢了.