1. Vipers (adders) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison, which is known as haemolytic.
    蝰蛇(小蝰蛇)和响尾蛇产生血毒液, 这种毒液叫溶血素.

2. Vipers (adders) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison,

3. She hesitated for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.

4. Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily.

5. She hesitated for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.

6. Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily.

7. So that our precious blood may not be shed

8. Someone at the hospital called the Red Cross office in Brooklyn, and a request for the boy to rush to Brooklyn was sent to the Red Cross director of the North Carolina Marine Corps camp.
    医院有人给布鲁克林区的红十字办公室挂了电话,向北卡罗来纳州海军陆战队营地的红十字机构的主任发出请求, 让那个年轻人赶紧回布鲁克林。

9. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.

10. Placing a pillow between her legs, I notice that these too are ice cold, and not until I run my hand up over her knees do I feel any of the life-giving warmth of blood.