1. Smith is a common English surname.

2. Sometimes he listens to the English broadcast.

3. So the problem now is not why I should study English, but how to get the best results in the shortest possible time.

4. She ignored her teachers' advice to become an English teacher and didn't bother with going on to a university because "I was ready to plunge into my life as an artist."

5. Sad to say, many English people in the 1920's and 1930's thought Chaplin's Tramp a bit, well, " crude ".

6. Set up on a downtown parking lot, its entrance marked by a massive sign that reads, in English, "Good Music from Your Body Heart on the World Line",
    它建在市中心的一个停车场上,入口处有一巨大的招牌,上面用英文写着"在世界线上从你心底发出的优美音乐"(Good Music from Your Body Heart on the World Line)。"

7. People on both sides of the English Channel are proud of the engineering achievement.

8. My coins are American, Hers are English ones.
    我的硬币是美国的, 她的是英国的.

9. My teacher never spoke English like that!

10. Most of Debbie´s school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast.