1. He kept the matter secret from his family. 他把这件事瞒着家人。
2. Her aunt is her sole relative-all the rest of the family are dead. 她姑妈是她唯一的亲人了--家里的其他人全都死了。
3. Her behaviour will leave a stigma on her family. 她的行为将给她的家庭留下污名。
4. ----even if you give all the relevant information about your age, family, finances and what you want from your investments. 即便你提供了有关于你的年龄、家庭、财源和你想从投资中获得好处的信息。
5. Hans returned to his family home, but the house had been bombed and no one in the neighbourhood knew what had become of the inhabitants. 汉斯重返故里,但他的家已被炸毁,左邻右舍谁也不知原住户的下落,
6. Hundreds of reporters from the newspapers, radio and television besieged the narrow road outside the Wests´ home, all wanted a glimpse of the family whose breadwinner had made British medical history. 数百名报纸、电台和电视台的记者围在威斯家外面的狭窄街道上,想亲眼目睹这位创造英国医学史奇迹的当家人的家。
7. He never looked as fashionable as Prince Albert, though; he continued to look like a poor, overweight, hard working colored man with too large a family, black, with a very white cigarette stuck in his mouth. 然而我父亲看上去从来就没有像阿尔伯特亲王那样时髦。他还是一个贫穷、过于肥胖、为养活一大家人而拼命干活的男人。他浑身漆黑,嘴里却总叼着一支雪白的香烟。
8. How will family members leave the area during the chaos following an earthquake? 如何让一家人在地震的混乱中安全离开?
9. He has banned television from his home because he fears it might ruin the minds of his family. 他的家里不看电视,因为他担心电视会破坏家人的思考能力。