1. “You’ll be welcome. If you wait for two years, I can show you around.” I was so very eager to make a friend of him.

2. “Take cheer, my young friend,” Albert told him.
    "振作点,年轻人。" 艾伯特对他说。

3. “Honestly,” the woman says to her friend, “what kind of parent doesn't know how much his child weighs?”

4. “I'm his best friend,” I say.
    "我是他最好的朋友," 我说。

5. Give your invitation to some friend whose wife has better clothes than I."

6. Go and find your friend Mme. Forestier and ask her to lend you some jewels.

7. "Real friends must share everything," the Miller used to say, and little Hans nodded and smiled and was very proud that he had a friend with such noble ideas.
    “真正的朋友应该不分彼此,”磨坊主常常这样说。小汉斯点头微 笑,他为自己有这样一位具有高尚思想的朋友而感到自豪。

8. "I was his best friend, so it´s only right that I should be the chief mourner."

9. "That´s fine," said his friend, and they walked on.

10. "Well," said his friend, "the bear said, ´Don´t trust those who leave their friends the moment they get into difficulty!´ "