1. She even went to college and had a full education. 后来她甚至还进了大学,接受了全面的教育。
2. Sotto was full of ready advice. 索托满脑子现成的忠告和建议。
3. Some think entering a room full of people is like going into a lion's cage. 有人认为走进一个满是人的房间就像走进了一个狮子笼。
4. Parents who both hold down full-time jobs may feel guilty about the amount of time they spend away from their children and, as accommodation for being away so much, may attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions. 都是全日上班的父母也许会因为不能常常和孩子在一起而感到内疚。他们可能想通过给孩子们大量物质的东西作为对他们的补偿。
5. My cup is full. 我的杯子是满的.
6. My scalp is full of dandruff and itchy. Is there a cure? 我的头皮满是头皮屑, 又很痒, 有办法治吗?
7. My scalp is full of dandruff and itchy. Is there a cure? 我的头皮满是头皮屑, 又很痒, 有办法治吗?
8. Many shopping centers stand on dry land today, land that was once wet and full of marshes. 在如今的干地、但曾经是潮湿的、布满了沼泽的土地上矗立着许多购物中心。
9. My shoulder hurt wickedly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally trembled as I was heading to the street. But the rest of me said, "Go, trashman, go." 每次我将满满的一桶垃圾扛上肩,肩膀就痛得厉害,有时侯扛着垃圾朝街上走,腿都打颤,可我心里却对自己说:“挺住,垃圾工,要挺住啊。”
10. James Cameron of the London News Chronicle, who was in China in 1954, reported even then the pace of building was unbelievable; how four new hospitals, six factories, and eleven full-scale blocks, had been laid out, started and completed in a matter 一九五四年访问中国的伦敦《新闻纪事报》记者詹姆斯·卡麦隆报导说,当时建设速度之快是难以令人置信的:四家医院,六座工厂和十一个完整的街区仅在数周之内就设计、建造并完工了。