1. All these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries.

2. At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax.

3. A school day at Mrs. Cox´s high school is divided into six periods of one hour each.

4. All of them go for the same reasons -- to become fluent in English, complete high school, and understand everything they can about the American way of life.

5. Apparently, wearing high heels pushes your breasts (胸脯) out by changing your center of gravity (重心).

6. And when male high-school students are asked what kinds of careers they would like to have, the only two job fields that consistently receive large numbers of responses in open surveys are "professional athlete" and "media personality&

7. "The texts of my broadcasts," I said, " ... every page, as you can see, stamped for approval by the High Command and two ministries (政府的部)."
    "我的广播稿," 我说,"…… 你们可以看到每一页都盖上了最高司令部和两个政府部门的核准图章。"

8. Automobile production is down; bicycle production is up. Crowded highways, high gasoline costs, and ease of bicycling are three reasons for this change.

9. Athletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood.

10. And to withstand the force of high-G movements, he must also be in top physical condition.