1. Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall.

2. Orange and white taxis are four-door cars that offer the most comfort, with metered rates.

3. In some countries black people do not have equality with white people.

4. It was almost white having only a slight tint of yellow.
    那几乎全是白色的, 只稍微带着些许黄色.

5. It is well known that where the white man has invaded a primitive culture, the most destructive effects have come not from physical weapons but from ideas.

6. In fact, I do weep a little, standing there by the stove holding one of the instruments, so white, so precisely rolled, that could cause my daughter's death.
    事实上,站在厨房煤气灶旁边, 我确实哭过。我手里捏着一支雪白雪白的香烟,制作得非常精致。那可是会致我女儿于死地的东西啊。

7. Inside this store, on Sixth Avenue near 40th Street, contemporary white furniture and wall-to-wall mirrors give it an expensive look.

8. For instance, I can sit in a restaurant with a white person.
    比如, 我可以在餐馆和一位白人坐在一起。