1. "Even when we had no money, he never said, 'Go get a job,'" she says.

2. At the time, I was a struggling writer. I decided to get a job as a psychic and then write about it.

3. "They shouldn't make any special provisions for me," Mr. Torres said. "It's a job, and I should be on time."

4. "Such access will be crucial to obtaining a high-quality education and getting a good job.

5. Anyway, a company spokesman says, no one has yet put his moustache before a job.

6. You wonder if eating a dozen chocolate-chip (碎片) cookies, wearing a house coat until 4, combing your hair at 5, cleaning behind the stove (twice) and crying in a job-agency parking lot qualify as symptoms of stress or maybe loss of self-worth.
    你不知道这些情况是否可以归类于因紧张、或许还有失去自身价值所引起的症状:一连吃下十几块巧克力曲奇、下午4点钟还穿着居家便服、5点钟才梳头发、在炉子后面东扫西抹 (两遍),以及在职业介绍所的停车场上哭泣。

7. You recover some of the confidence that always told you how good you were at your job and accept what the boss said:
    你恢复了一些自信, 这种自信一直使你相信自己过去的工作做得十分出色,并接受老板的说法:

8. You've learned the value of the routine you hated and the importance of the job you took for granted.
    但最重要的是, 你懂得了 "7.6%的失业率" 的真正含义。

9. Stop looking for the perfect job it´s just a fantasy.

10. She was fortunate to find a job.