1. Personal information gets harder to protect as more companies and government agencies build computerized databases (数据库) that are easily linked.

2. Suggested an idea on which he had been working for many years to the British Government and industrial circles.

3. Most people, somewhere between the ages of 30 and 50, finally arrive at the inevitable conclusion that they were meant to do more than serve a corporation, a government agency, or whatever.

4. Many, if not most, of its government employees can be said somehow to have "participated in the torture" of persons on account of "political opinion".
    它的许多政府雇员,虽然不是大多数,似乎都可以被假定为曾因 "政治观点的原因"参与了"对人的折磨"。

5. Government is the locus of power.

6. Government cuts in welfare have resulted in hunger and suffering for a lot of people, not just me.

7. Gore wants the federal government to play the leading role in shaping the superhighway.

8. But can even overthrow a government.

9. Companies develop databases to better target customers and then the government uses these databases for investigating crimes."

10. On the contrary, officials of another government bureau report, "no reasonable explanation to date has been made for the vanishings."